In order to achieve high speed on electrical interconnects, channel attenuation at high frequencies must be dealt with by proper transceiver design. In this paper we investigate finite-complexity MMSE pre-equalization under an average transmit power constraint, to compensate for channel distortion in the case of both full-response and precoded partial response signaling with L-PAM mapping, and consider the resulting error performance for symbol-by-symbol detection and sequence detection. For a representative electrical interconnect, we point out that the constellation size (2-PAM or 4-PAM), the type of signaling (full response or partial response), the detection method (symbol-by-symbol detection or sequence detection) and the number of pre-equalizer taps should be carefully selected in order to achieve satisfactory error performance at high data rates. For several scenarios, precoded duobinary 4-PAM is found to yield the best error performance for given average transmit power.